What is going on in the world we live in?
What is going on in the world we live in?

What is going on in the world we live in?

Politics, money and power:

This is a conversation and an opinion I usually avoid like the plague, however this time I think it is worth discussing. Is it fair or right that a convicted felon be allowed to run for President?  I ask because of all the fairness and injustices that inmates and ex-inmates do not have at all.  How far does Presidential immunity last? I’m pretty sure it doesn’t last a lifetime. The biggest question is how does one person get to delay a sentence hearing to be able to run for president? Now, I have never heard of anyone being able to delay their sentence hearing of any reasons, not even a death of a loved one.

Has anyone in the Government ever spent a day behind bars?

Has a Senator, Governor, or House of Representative ever spent one day in prison? Have they ever gone and had lunch with inmates? I’m pretty sure if they did, they would see how things in prison really are. If they did maybe things would change. It’s a nice a dream isn’t?

Who’s going to pay?

If said convicted felon and presidential candidate wins election is said president going to run the United States from a prison cell?  Who is going to pay for that prison cell, guards and secret service? You would be correct if you said tax payers.  I’m not sure you can run an entire country from bars and what that would look like exactly. I’m thinking that would not be a good situation at all.

Why should our taxes pay all extra security that will be needed? When you have that money and power you should pay for your own security. No one else in prison gets special treatment or guards or secret service to protect them.

Opens doors:

Think about this, a convicted felon is running for president. When you are convicted and serve your time no one says you can’t run for president. As far as I know, no one that has a criminal record has ever tried to run for president, until now. With that said, this opens the door for anyone to run. Don’t get me wrong  there are some ex-inmates that have done very well for themselves and very successful since leaving prison. There are some that have multiple degrees in business, psychology, and law all of whom would probably be good presidents.

Political issues:

Again I try really hard to stay away from these conversations however, I think this is on everyone’s mind so I will state the obvious. These issues are serious and has everyone divided, there doesn’t seem to be a gray line however, people forget that there are more than just one or two people involved. Let me explain.

In the abortion issue: there is the woman who was attacked in the most violent horrific way possible. Person number 1. The person who attacked her number 2. If there is a child person number 3. Now, if that woman is made to carry that baby to term, a number of things will most likely happen. She will have depression, PTSD,  drugs and alcohol use, and attempt to suicide. All of which are not good for a fetus. All of which can cause disabilities, behavioral health issues or death of the fetus.

The baby if survives all of that, maybe a drug addicted baby. Or will be put up for adoption. Foster care is extremely overwhelmed with children that they cannot find homes for children  that they are already have, let alone infant that is addicted to drugs and has withdraws or disabilities. There just isn’t enough money for state services and behavioral health services for children with disabilities and behavioral health. I know I used to work with those children.

What do you think it does to a child that finds out they are a product of rape or incest? It causes trauma.   Here you have a child that could end up on drugs, in prison, tries suicide multiple times, needs behavioral health services and struggles with life thinking they aren’t worth anything.

When my kids were in high school, they had to carry around babies for a parenting class to try to  prevent early parenthood. I wonder what would happen if you did simulation classes on these people who have their beliefs that don’t see the bigger picture. A simulation of getting attacked like in a self defense class, carrying a baby doll (dead baby) like your pregnant for nine months, or making someone responsibile financially for these women when they have been attacked. Or giving these politicians all these kids to raise when they are born, it would solve the foster care issue and help with children.

I get people have their beliefs, and I don’t fault them for that. Sometimes, people need to see the bigger picture and the harm that comes with those beliefs.

Imprisonment for doing your job:

Should doctors be arrested for performing abortions? Should a woman be made to carry a baby that has died to full term or she has been raped? Does a woman have the right to say what happens to her own body? If the government tells you that you have to carry a baby to full term, how much more do women have to go through. Do people realize that is an tremendous heartbreaking traumatic experience. Carrying a baby that has died to full term can cause medical issues to the mother, possibly causes her to never be able to have another child if it doesn’t cause her death first. Then there are the emotional and psychological effects that come with having a still born baby that last a lifetime. The government already controls how you died, they say you can’t take your own life even when you’re dying and in severe pain. They are  already controlling the amount of pain medications that you are allowed to receive. Where and when does it stop?

The right to vote:

Why do the States take away your rights to vote when you comitt a crime? You are still a U.S. citizen when you go prison.You haven’t exiled from the United States. When you are sentenced for your crimes, the State  reads your time in prisons, your fees and fines. It also states that you will never be able to vote again.  I don’t agree with this at all. I think that if you complete your time and you’re released then you should have your to vote again.

Angry people:

I see this causing a tremendous amount of angry inmates and a huge uproar in the prison system. For reasons

  1. Sentence hearings being delayed.
  2. Rights of inmates in prison improving hopefully.
  3.  Services for inmates being released on time.
  4. Political opportunities for ex-inmates.
  5. Voting rights maybe questioned in States  for allowing to being reinstated
  6. Overall treatment in prison.

I know a few weeks ago, several inmates in Federal Prisons stopped eating because they were supposed to be released months ago. What is the reason for them not released when they are supposed to be? Does it need to come to the point where inmates are hurting themselves to get a point across to be heard? Now, you know if said presidential candidate was in prison was waiting to be released he would be released at the exact time and not a second later. How fair is that? It shows how money and power makes all the difference in the world.


As always I love all your comments. I apologize that it has been awhile. If you have a story I would love to hear about it. Until next time.

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